Thursday, May 26, 2011

S.S. project. Explination of pieces and music of 1600-1800 time period

During this time period pattern and tenique was important to the way muisic was written during the 1600 through 1800. One specific pattern used to write piano pieces was the pattern 6,1,5,4,2,3 chords. The chords that were used as the numbers were varied but the way they were put together in the piece were usually the same. The pattern I use to write my piece is similiar except that I do not have a fourth chord so my pattern was more 6,1,5,2,3. There were also improvisations that the composers would use while composing their pieces. They would have the basic pattern and technique then in one part of the composition they would improvise the pattern of the chords. The composer I used to base my piece off of is Bach. I chose him because had a more modern twist to his pieces which made it easier to compose my piece and he used a simliar pattern as I did. Often, there were symphonies that accompanied pianos which made the pieces a concertos. During this time piano solos were more common and pianos were used in more places besides church.

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