Thursday, March 31, 2011

coastal plains

Most coastal plains are found five to forty miles inland and some end with jagged cliffs like this one.
Frankincense and myrrh are made by collecting the tree sap from the few trees located on coastal plains.
Some coastal plains around the Arabian Peninsula have natural harbors that form just like this one.
When crops are grown on coastal plains dams are usually built in order to help create irrigation systems to evenly distribute the water among the plants.


The mountains of the arabian penninsula are parallel to the red sea and continue to get higher in altitude as they continue towards the cities. The mountains cause the desert to be very dry and get no rain fall. The arabian people use the mountains as farmland by putting terraces into the side of them. A lot of people who live on the arabian peninsula live in the mountains because it has fertile ground and a good climate for human.


The Arabian Desert covers almost the entire arabian pennisula. Almost thought of to be impossible to cross it has still served throughout history as a passage way between the middle east and north africa. In the summer the desert has less than fifteen percent of humidity also during the summer temperatures can get up to over one hundred and twenty degrees farenhight.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011


Oasis' are random places in a desert where vegetation is able to grow. Some trees and bushes may grow around an oasis letting travelers rest in its shade and enjoy its cool water. The water comes from a deep well underground and sometimes shows up on the surface.

Thursday, March 17, 2011


Two fishermen were killed while out at sea. Reports show that it might not have been an accident and also may connect to Minister G L Peiris. xoxo

Thursday, March 10, 2011

4 sentences

There are over one billion people in India
They have different monsoons and they need a certain one for crops to be successful in India.
In the north there are mountains and can get very cold but in the south its more dessert like.
In battle the Indians would use elephants with a mini tower on their banks where men would sit and fight with spears and bows and arrows.
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